After a refreshing trip home to PA, I took a bus to NYC then
made my way to Brooklyn with my sis the night before flying out of NYC to
Amsterdam. It was an interesting perspective to see the city rise, as I arrived
around 630 am to witness a gradual ascension from the dark and still morning to
a bustling Saturday morning by 9.

Now I have the rest of the month off during which I plan to
practice the guitar, work on my thesis and do a lot of research on my options for
next year; I had been operating on a very odd sleep
schedule (8 am to 5pm), so adopting a more appropriate cycle has been nice.
Taking it easy here in Leuven and getting a chance to get into my interests in Phenomenology of medicine has been a real treat.
I look forward to another challenging and fulfilling semester ahead.
Taking it easy here in Leuven and getting a chance to get into my interests in Phenomenology of medicine has been a real treat.
I look forward to another challenging and fulfilling semester ahead.