Sunday, December 6, 2015

Deck the Halls

I've developed a taste for classical music; it's really nice to play while reading, especially in situations that cancelling headguesphones; like on a train, plane, or Laundromat.  Then I learned that I also really enjoy live classical concerts. My first experience was in Antwerp when I saw a small ensemble with more of a Latin feel. Then I went to Brussels to watch the International Project to watch my friend Chelsea, the harpist and her colleagues.  Now again tonight, I got an opportunity to put my Culture Card to use.
Winterconcert van het Arenbegorkest
I find it absolutely stunning the way an ensemble of over fifty living, breathing human beings can find such synchrony performing such sophisticated music. There is something about getting dressed to a "t" and going to these events and absorbing the experience. The aesthetics are amazing when you really focus. The way the conductor moves a the sea of writhing musicians may seem somewhat flippant and for show at times but then you realize there is actual precision to what he's doing, and with certain emphatic gestures the percussionists emphasize a measure as you feel the vibrations in your chest.
There were definitely some difference between the performance in Brussels and the one in Leuven. For one, the venue in Brussels was far more elegant. See someone I know play also added a certain element. The show in Leuven however was structured as much more obvious of  a story line with silhouettes projected on the backdrop accompanied by a voiceover (Dutch:/). The pieces were performed as follows:
-The Phantom of the Opera
+A.L. Webber (Arr. C. Custard)
-Jazz Suite No.2 Second Waltz
+D. Shostakovich
-Mauerische Truermusik, K. 477
+W.A. Mozart
-Eine Nacht in Venidig (A Night in Venice)-Ouverture
+J. Strauss II
-The Dark Knight Rises
+H. Zimmer (Arr. R. Ford) {THIS WAS BADASS (and yes, they projected the batman symbol:)}
-Pini di Roma- III  Pini del Gianicolo & IV I Pinin della Via Appia
+O. Respighi

I left wonder whether the birds singing at the start of the last song was being produced from the PA or one of the musicians (A violinist making her instrument scream, maybe)
There was a nice reception afterward with FREE BELGIAN BEER, but as I am in the midst of a cleanse of sorts, I had to settle for the bubbly water.

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