Wednesday, March 9, 2016


 In January, I decided to commit to a trip
with a large group of philosophy students to Warsaw, Poland. I returned from that trip this past Sunday night, quite grateful for that leap of faith. I feel like I understand some of my Polish people much better now...  To hang out and become familiar with some of such a fascinating collection of human beings was a privilege in itself, cultural nuances of Poland aside. Among many other extraordinary happenings, I experienced my first ballet and all the “high culture” implied: Romeo and Juliet. Upon return, I’ve really hit the “ground running,” with the living, from art tours in a classic old Leuven building, what used to be the Anatomy Institute (this was an experience similar to a strange night in July), to participating in an open “jazz” session at that same venue later that night. The following night, I found myself playing music in a packed floor of anthropologists (far out, man). Both sessions gave me the opportunity to practice synchronizing with very talented musicians. I decided to leave the second one somewhat early in order to catch a discussion on the role of art in society.  There’s not much limitation to the amount of wonder to find in Leuven, the trick is coordinating living and studying.

While many new relationships have developed here in Leuven, I very much miss all my people back in the US, and I truly hope those of you reading this can take this as a personal, “Hi, this is ‘what’s been up’!”
-So feel free to reciprocate!:)

WWII Memorial


  1. So, no surprise here that I am the first one to comment on this very well put together yet abstract blog. I know there are a lot of people here who miss you... Actually to be honest I'm not real sure. I just said that for dramatic affect. Oh please let me know if I used Affect correctly. Affect and Effect is a beast that I am yet to comfortably tame. It really shows my intelligence being at the tipping point between professional and merely socially except able. That's neither here nor there. I digress.
    By now your guitar riffing skills should be increasing day by day. I cant wait to hear you once you return because I have been lacking what was once my melody to sooth and calm the eminent motion of wickedness that so graciously courses through my mind, body and soul. A melody that assists a rather dissipated creature like myself to the subconscious synchronization of all three.
    I have found a musician I like to describe as the harmonica God Father. My goal is to become his apprentice.
    Well, I should probably get back to the slavery of life called work.
    Till next time.

    1. the word you were looking for is effect.

    2. affect is the action of impacting; effect is the impact

    3. a-action; e-eventual impact of the action

  2. Ryan, I appreciate reading your posts as you continue to explore Europe and pursue your studies. I give you a lot of credit for undertaking such an extended stay. In my 20's I was able to travel abroad & became homesick after just three weeks in Europe (was glad my trip was only planned for 30 days).

    Also, I've been thinking of you as we hear the tragic news from Brussels and praying where you are located is much safer.

    Ann Black
